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Dr. Moinuddin Sarker, PhD
CEO and Managing Director
Noorzahan Kamal Web Technology
ICT Solutions for Bangladesh and Abroad.

Dr. Sarker Personal Resume
Dr. Moinuddin Sarker believe every life has equal value and has right to get opportunities to improve himself or herself. With this hope Dr. Moinuddin Sarker Foundation started its operation at the very beginning of the year 2005.

The primary objective of the foundation is to undertake and carryout economic and social welfare activities for benevolent, humanitarian, charitable and development purpose.

The foundation is completely funded by Dr. Moinuddin Sarker, PhD, MCIC, Chief Executive Director and Founding President. As the almighty Allah give him the strength and ability.

Our Philosophy:

The foundation has a long time vision .Initially it has started projects from his own village: Chowdhury Para and Upazila: Daudkandi. Step by step the whole Bangladesh will be covered under the foundation’s projects within a very short time. May God bless us and give enough strength to fulfill all the dreams of helping poor, disable and underprivileged people.

In Daudkandi, Comilla, Bangladesh we have started our several projects to help the underprivileged people. To know about our ongoing project you can visit our Running project page or you can click on Related topics..

Some projects are not yet started but we have finalized the project proposals and very soon those will be launched. To know more about our future project you can visit our Future Project pages or click on Related topics...

Send us any advice about our existing project or offer us new project which can help the poor more.

Thanks a lot to be with us.

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